
local natives

gorilla manor by the local natives.

great, more animal-related titles. at this point, i don't care. i just downloaded this album over the weekend. it's been on repeat ever since. the comparisons to fleet foxes, grizzly bear and the arcade fire are inevitable, but for those of you who rolled your eyes when i just listed those three bands, don't call them derivative.

i hope you enjoy the album as much as i have. i think this is one that will play well over time.


will said...

whoa, what timing. i just downloaded it last night and was listening on the train this morning. my first comparison was band of horses, but really just the first song.

did you catch the talking heads cover in there? i got about halfway through and i thought "i know that bass line". pretty sneaky. really impressive album though.

also....... WHO IS EXCITED ABOUT THE NEW JOANNA NEWSOM ALBUM THAT CAME OUT TODAY??? it's going to be waiting in my mailbox when i get home and i can't handle the anticipation.

stan said...

yeah, it's good stuff. i should probably have included band of horses in my initial comparison. but with music, pretty much every band sounds like 10 other bands anyway...

the talking heads cover, "warning sign" is really good.

what are your thoughts on newsome's new album? we need a post on tle, i haven't picked it up yet.