
eMusic and The RAA

This post has two plugs:

1) eMusic -I don't know if I will every buy anything from iTunes again. eMusic is a LOT cheaper at about 30 cents a song, and they've got just about every independent label there is. You won't find any of the major labels because they are DRM-free downloads (another plus), but for me if they are on a major label I have no shame in downloading it the old fashioned, illegal way (is that wrong? new blog discussion topic?). Anyway, enough advertising, but I highly recommend it for any independent music fan. But if you join, do it though me, not Jason. He will just waste his bonus downloads. And one more reason I love eMusic....

2) The Rural Alberta Advantage - eMusic does this thing each month where they release an unsigned band's album that they like. Sometimes this ends up in them getting signed with a real label (High Places from Pitchfork's best new music this year is one example). The Rural Alberta Advantage is the latest band they have released and I have been loving it to death. The easiest comparison is to Neutral Milk Hotel, but it's a little poppier and more accessible than that. I am slightly ashamed to say this but I even hear hints of Switchfoot in there (the Legend of Chin version - before the Mandy Moore movie). Check it out the eMusic page here. And a full song here.


grantly said...

30 cents a song?! Where have i been? Do you have to pay a monthly fee? I had a conversation with bobby about this but i've completely forgotten what he told me.

will said...

it's a subscription, so you pay a monthly fee and you get a certain number of downloads each month. the lowest is $12 and you get 30 songs so thats 40 cents each, but the higher you go the cheaper each one is. the only downside is that the songs don't roll over each month so you lose what you don't download.

stan said...

but let's be honest, its not really a downside. have you ever had a month where you didnt have 30 songs to download?