Maybe I'm late getting to this party, but I heard this Delta Spirit song on the college station a few weeks ago and the piano riff has been stuck in my head since.
Delta Spirit - Trashcan [mp3]
To answer Will- the simplest way I've found to embed music is with this code:
<embed src="URL.mp3" autoplay="false" loop="true"
width="367" height="14"></embed>
Replace "URL.mp3" with the location of the audio file, either by uploading to a free server, or by finding places that people have already done so with search engines like Hype Machine.
Thanks for the posting code, ck. You're definitely not too late on Delta Spirit (or if you are, then I am as well) - Tristen and I picked it up at Grimey's last week and I've really been enjoying it. Go piano rock!
to use the player i did, it will take a few more steps.
i had to sign up for imeem. then, i uploaded the songs and made a playlist. from there you can select the html code to embed.
but trust me, it's worth it.
i also had a thought: we could all share one imeem account. it might make things simplier and very illegal.
dont ever worry about being late. (ive never heard of em) just post whatever you're into
I completely agree
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